About Simone

Simone Ricci

SIMONE RICCI is the coach of the Optimist Legend Marco Gradoni, 3 times Optimist World Champion (2017, 2018, 2019) and unique young sailor in the history to win the Rolex World Sailor of the Year in 2019.
Always in 2019 Simone was crowned at the top of the Class for the great results of his Club Team athletes winning a Gold Medal at the European Championship 2019 with Federica Contardi. In the same event Niccolo Pulito finished 4th and Sophie Fontanesi 7th. Just to crown that wonderful year he closed with a Silver medal by Rocco Wright (IRL) and 5th position of James Dwyers (IRL) at the North American Championship in Bahamas as Irish National Coach.
Simone has reached many other medals in past years with his athletes and with the Italian National Team winning Gold and Bronze Medal at European 2018 with Alex Demurtas and Lorenzo Pezzilli. Most of the athletes he trains around the World are the best sailors in the Class and his coaching is requested all over the countries for his style, knowledge and smile! Simone is an Optimist Coach since 2009 and is a 3rd level coach of Italian National Federation.
Simone is passionate of Surfing and Kitesurfing which gave him many skills he uses for his coaching.

I feel blessed by life to have such opportunities to transmit my knowledge and my passion to so many motivated sailors all over the World. I love the sea and i love to dream big. My favourite places to sail? Canary Islands of course and Lake Garda.

Simone Ricci

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